
Shopping for love

The Christmas season is approaching quickly, and thoughts turn to shopping for loved ones . . . As you begin, we’d like to share with you that The Children’s Foundation is excited to be registered on GoodShop.com. It is an online marketplace that allows you to choose from hundreds of popular merchants. The experience of shopping through GoodShop is exactly the same as going to the retailer’s websites directly. What’s different is that each time you make a purchase on GoodShop.com a percentage of that purchase can benefit our organization! All you have to do is simply choose The Children’s Foundation as your cause. In addition, you can begin to utilize GoodSearch.com as your search engine of choice. Not only will you get great search results but GoodSearch will make a donation to The Children’s Foundation as well.

We also have been given another wonderful fundraising opportunity by nationally acclaimed artist and Children’s Foundation supporter, Tom Dubois. At “Triune Art” they are on a mission from God to provide their patrons with pictures in Christ, and The Children’s Foundation is being registered to receive 25% of every purchase made in our name. Please browse their website at http://www.triuneart.org/ to see their beautiful, visual saving moments bearing witness to the ONLY true God in the TRIUNE name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an individual or congregation to purchase true art by a true master!

As we enter 2009 we hope these will be ongoing and successful fundraising ventures for us, and one that will be easy for everyone to participate in. We would love to ask that you begin now to search and shop on our behalf. Thank you. Happy Holiday season.


Love Ministries

Our team is out, the truck is loaded and ready to go to the immigrant camp.

The donations we received are shared with them. They come from WallMart; such as, bread, vegetables, fruit, and clothing. Shoes and clothing were donated by the community.

Thank you for your generous donations!!!!

Every 15 days Casa Hogar Los Angelitos makes donations to natives from Guerrero. The donation is made up of edibles; such as, bread, fruit, vegetables and water. As well as, clothing, shoes and blankets.

(right) Margarita, daughter of immigrant parents, is happy in her innocence. She doesn’t worry of what she will dress or what she will eat, and if her buddies will approve of her dress apparel
She is happy to receive a pair of sandals and a set of clothing specially; she gives a spectacular smile when she receives a green dress with flowers.

(above) Roberto is distributing a pair of Jeans to Alejandro; who gladly accepts them.
Alejandro is the only child who understands and speaks spanish with little difficulty. The other children seem to understand, but don't speak spanish.

Alberto (center), one of the kids of CHLA, has gone a few times to help out with the donation drop off.
We are glad that he is willing to help out, and that he has the opportunity to live this experience.
It helps him value life as it is, and helps him recognize the world from a different persfective.

Migrant families gather together on the ground to eat.
They are nomadic people, and when they are in Manzanillo, we extend our hands and aid them in ways that it is possible for us.

Of course this would not be possible with out your help and support.
On behalf of all the children and Staff,
Thank you again, for your contributions!!!!!!


Remember September


On August 18th the kids began their 2008-2009 school year.


They study on a daily basis with teacher Garcia Cardenas.
The stars are to motivate them; each one that completes their homework receives a sticker on the star.
The purpose is to receive a prize at the end of the month for who ever collects the most stickers.

Yareli is working on her homework while the teacher Garcia Cardenas helps out her partner Laura.

(Right) What is she thinking about?
Maybe, she is verifying if her sums and subtractions are correct?

(left) While the middle age study, the kids play.
How fun!!!

02 SEP.


Lorena is approximately 4 months, she was brought into Casa Hogar los Angelitos on September 2nd.
She receives lots of attention and affection from the kids as well as, from staff.
Help out with her growth by providing milk for lactating baby 0-6 months old, and lots and lots of diapers 14- 24 lbs.

16 SEP.

Happy Mexican Indipendence!!!!!!

The teenagers practice and showed a strong effort in practice, in order to present Folkloric and Jalisco dace professionally in Manzanillo Centro. Unfortunately the event was canceled due to the rain.


THIRD Annual Charity GOLF tournament


The Childrens´Foundation and Casa Hogar Los Angelitos

September 13, 2008

Download a printable application here (pdf)

Sign up online here

(Hang in there, the pages take a minute to load!)

The tournament will be held at

a beautiful course in scenic Eagle County, Colorado.

Tim and Mara Garton have graciously offered to support us

and hold those dates aside for this benefit.

Please click the above link and go to their website

to view the beautiful course, golf club amenities

and scenic landscape of Gypsum, Colorado.

The 5th Hole


Don't forget to mark your calendars.

And remember, there are many ways to get involved

even if you can't attend the event.

There will be opportunities for sponsorships,

donations, silent auction items and much, much more.

Please stay tuned as the preparations come to fruition.


Something to share with you from March of 2008

Casa Hogar los Angelitos A.C
Ministerios de Amor.

Our founder went with our young kids to a “violin orchestra in Manzanillo, Colima.” Rodrigo, Andres, Artemio, Brenda, Azaarel, Maria, and Ms. Nancy Nystrom. A day of learning and a lot of fun!

The magic in the different music workshops that we provide to our kids has helped them to have great advances in their lives.

Flor and her sister Lupita love art and drawing. They wish to share them with you. Look how beautiful she draws!

Do you know who I am?

I am Jesus “Chuy” and I have something to tell you. Guess what? A tooth of mine fell and at night I put it beneath my pillow and the mouse gave me as a present 10.00 pesos.

In March we receive a group of volunteers and we share with them various histories.

The immigrant kids from Guerrero continue in Manzanillo and the kids from the Casa Hogar visits them frequently, and give them food.


Ministerios de Amor

y Casa Hogar los Angelitos

Trabajan para brindar ayuda a los niños en situaciones más vulnerables…un niño a la vez

Esta es nuestra misión…ayudar y proveer esperanza a niños sin esperanza.

Usted tiene interés en ayudar?

Desea visitar el campamento del grupo de Inmigrantes?

Para más información de nuestros programas
Favor de contactar a:

Luís M. Hernández 01 314 33 40878

Felipe Pelayo 01 314 33 1009

Nuestro programa de ayuda a las comunidades siembre es un éxito…las personas de comunidad siempre nos reciben con una sonrisa, saben que cuentan con la ayuda de Casa Hogar los Angelitos. Usted desea ser parte de esta esperiencia?

Febrero mes de enseñanza y nuevas experiencias, durante este mes un grupo de niños visitaron algunas comunidades para brindar ayuda a otros niños. El objetivo de esta actividad fue ayudar nuestro proguimo y enseñasr a los niños la importancia de compartir con otros…Así que elaboramos bolsas de alimentos y sándwiches, naranjas y los llevamos a la comunidad de los mixtecos.


Return of the Immigrants

Remember the group of Mystical immigrants from the small coast of Guerrero?
They are back for the season.
Regreso de los Inmigrantes
¿Recuerda Usted el grupo de inmigrantes Místicos de la costa chica de Guerrero?
Ellos regresaron Para la temporada

Who are the Mystics of Guerrero?
They are a group of natives from the mountains of Guerrero that are dedicated to the cultivation and harvest of hot peppers and tomatoes. In order to work, they travel throughout the region. Their “home” is more like a camp site. The entire family, including children and women, participate in the daily labor.

They live under the shadow of trees and plastic bags to help protect themselves from wind, rain, and the cold. The children do not have an opportunity to go to school and the parents do not have the resources or education to teach the children. The water they consume is contaminated, their diet consists of a ‘tortilla’ with salt and hot pepper, their living environment is completely unhealthy. Most of the women and children are ill, suffering from parasites and diarrhea.

They will remain on this camp site until June of 2008. Alejandro, the leader of the group, has requested help with water, food, medical attention and warm clothing, especially to protect the children.

¿Quienes son los místicos de Guerrero?
Es un grupo de indígenas originarios de las montañas de guerrero que se dedican al cultivo y cosecha de chile y jitomate. Para efectuar su trabajo Realizan campamentos en diferentes lugares de la región, toda la familia incluyendo niños y mujeres son incluidas en las jornadas diarias de trabajo.

Estas personas viven bajo la sombra de árboles y bolsas de plástico que les ayuda a protegerse del viento la lluvia y del frió…los niños no tiene oportunidad de estudiar. El agua que consumen esta contaminada, su alimentación es tortilla con sal y chile, su vivienda es totalmente insalubre. En su mayoría las mujeres y niños están enfermos de diarrea y parasitosis.

Estarán en este campamento hasta Junio del 2008. El Sr. Alejandro líder del grupo silicita ayuda con agua, comida, atención médica y ropa calientita en especial para proteger a los niños.

Will you help?
Ministerios de Amor, a program created by Casa Hogar los Angelitos, will provide aid and food, water, clothing, and medical attention for our Mystic brothers, under the direction of Dr. Guiber Nuñez.

In the coming weeks we will initiate Spanish classes. The goal is to teach them the Mexican Spanish dialect, giving them more opportunity.

The Children’s Foundation thanks all the contributors, workers, volunteers, and the children from Casa Hogar los Angelitos that participate in our program Ministerios de Amor… Thank you for making a difference!
¡Gracias a tu ayuda!
Ministerios de Amor un programa creado por Casa Hogar los Angelitos proveer a nuestros hermanos Místicos agua, ropa, comida y atención médica por nuestro medico el Dr. Guiber Nuñez.

El las próximas semanas iniciaremos clases de español…esperamos que ellos puedan hablar nuestra lengua.

The chilaren´s Foundation agrádese a los contribuyentes, trabajadores y voluntarios, niños y jóvenes de la casa hogar que participan en nuestro programa Ministerios de Amor…Gracias por hacer la diferencia

If you would like more information or make a donation please do not hesitate to contact our assistants.

The Children’s Foundation Inc
PO Box 1443
Loveland, Co 80539 – 1443

Phone Number: 970 402 2272 for information in English
303 328 1280 for Information in Spanish

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Si Usted desea información adicional o realizar un donativo por favor no dude en contactar nuestros asistentes.

The children´s Foundation Inc
PO Box 1443
Loveland, Co 80539 – 1443

Teléfono: 303 328 1280 Información en español
970 402 2272 Información en Ingles

Horario de Oficina: Lunes –Viernes 9:00 a 17 horas